Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

The QY300 has fairly simple, consistent control interface that, once understood, makes
operation fast and easy, no matter what operation you are performing. If you read through
this section carefully, and try out the procedures in the Try this: sections, you should have
no problem accessing and operating the QY300’s many advanced features.
POWER Switch
LCD Display & CONTRAST Control
Press in to turn the QY300 on, and press again to turn it
This large multi-function liquid crystal display panel
off, When the power is on one of the mode key indica- shows all parameters and prompts you need to operate
tors will light and the SONG mode display will appear
the QY300 with optimum ease and efficiency.
on the LCD (Liquid Crystal Display).
Use the CONTRAST control on the rear panel to
achieve the best display visibility (LCD visibility varies
greatly with viewing angle and lighting).