Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

Mode Keys
These six keys select the QY300’s main operating
The main “sequencer” mode in which the QY300’s 16
sequencer tracks can be recorded, edited, and played
back. Pattern, chord, and tempo changes are also recorded
in this mode to create accompaniments.
The PATTERN mode is used to create patterns by com-
bining or “patching” phrases from the PHRASE mode.
The individual phrases that are used to create accompani-
ment patterns can be selected, played, and created in this
mode. There are 2,000 preset patterns, and memory for
100 user phrases.
The CHAIN mode is used to specify a “chain” of songs
to be automatically played in sequence.
The QY300’s MIDI, data filter, and ABC utility functions
are all accessed via the UTILITY mode.
Although you can directly save and load data to and from
floppy disk from the SONG, PATTERN, PHRASE, and
CHAIN modes, the DISK mode provides access to a full
range of important disk and data management functions.
Cursor and
This block of six keys includes four cursor keys — the
ones labeled with the triangular arrow-heads — and
two data decrement/increment keys.
The cursor keys move the “cursor” around the dis-
play screen, highlighting the various parameters that
are available for editing (the QY300 cursor appears as a
dark block with inverse characters).
The [-1/NO] and [+1/YES] keys are used to edit
(change the value of) the parameter at which the, cursor
is currently located. The
key decrements (de-
creases stepwise) the value of the selected parameter,
while the
key increments (increases stepwise)
the parameter. Press either key briefly to decrement or
increment the parameter by one, or hold the key for
continuous decrementing of incrementing in the speci-
fied direction.
keys are also used to
respond to certain prompts when they appear. Press
to go ahead with the operation, or