Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

The QY300 SONG mode provides two main record modes for the 16 sequencer tracks:
realtime and step record. When you use the realtime record mode the QY300 records exactly
what you play as you play it. In the step record mode notes can be entered one at a time.
There’s also a “multi” real-time record mode in which all 16 sequencer tracks can be
recorded simultaneously, and a punch-in real-time record mode in which you can re-record
any specified section of an already-recorded track. The step record mode lets you record
extremely fast or complex passages that would be difficult or impossible to play in real time.
It’s also useful for adding finishing touches to tracks originally recorded in real time.
Realtime Recording
If for some reason all 10
songs contain data and
you want to start re-
cording with an empty song, use
the “Clear Song” job described
on page 53 to clear a song for
recording. If you want to save
the existing song data to floppy
disk before clearing, see “Disk
Operations” page 119.
In the realtime record mode you select the track you want to record, and then
play the part on the micro-keyboard or an external MIDI keyboard in real time.
Select a Song
Place the cursor at the song number and use any data entry method to select
the song number you want to record (01 ... 10). If the song doesn’t contain any
data yet, a row of asterisks will appear to the right of the song number
Make the Required Voice Assignment(s)
Go to the voice mode (
key) and assign the voice(s) you want to use to the
track(s) you intend to record, as described on page 14.
Press the
key (“Exit”) to return to the SONG mode when done.