Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

Using the pre-programmed style data provided with the QY300 you can easily create accom-
paniments that can be used alone — to play or sing along with, for example — or as the
basis for complete compositions. The pre-programmed styles are provided on disk, and must
be loaded before they can be used. You can also create patterns by combining individual
“phrases”. A phrase is a single “part” of a pattern, such as the drum or bass part. The QY300
provides 2,000 preset phrases in internal ROM memory, or you can record your own. The
procedures for creating patterns by using phrases will be discussed in the “Creating Patterns”
section page 74).
Defining "Patterns", "Styles", & "Sections"
Although you’ll usually be working with individual patterns in the QY300,
these are actually part of larger structures known as “styles”. A style consists
of a group of genre-related patterns designed to be used together to create a
complete song. Each pattern within a style is a “section” of a song: e.g. an
introduction, two main themes, fill-ins, and an ending (these will be discussed
in more detail in “Selecting & Playing Patterns” on page 57). The number that
appears at the top of the main PATTERN mode display is therefore actually
the “style number”,
since it selects a complete set of related patterns. Several
of the PATTERN mode jobs (page 86) also use the term “style” when they
operate on a complete set of patterns rather than an individual pattern.
Loading the Pre-programmed Patterns From Disk
The QY300 is initially
shipped with the styles
already loaded. If for
some reason the styles have
been erased or modified, you
can use the following procedure
to re-load them.
NOTEActual file names on the
data disk supplied with the
QY300 may be different from
those given in the manual.
So you can load a complete set of styles in one operation, the styles provided
on the QY300 data disk have been saved as an “All Data” file which must be
loaded via the DISK mode. Please note that loading the style data will erase all
other song, phrase, and chain data currently in memory. Be sure to save any
data you want to keep before loading.
Insert the Supplied Disk
Insert the floppy disk supplied with the QY300 into the disk drive slot on the
right side of the unit. The label side of the disk should face up and the sliding
disk door should face the drive slot. Slide the disk in until it clicks firmly in