Music Sequencer Owner's Manual

You can add syncopation
to existing chords without
having to re-enter the en-
tire chord by simply moving the cur-
sor to the chord and pressing the
right [OCT DOWN] or [OCT UP]
key. Syncopation can be removed
from a chord by placing the cursor
at the chord and pressing the corre-
sponding [OCT DOWN] or [OCT
UP] key.
Syncopated Chords
Chords can be syncopated (i.e. the chord actually begins a sixteenth-note or
eighth-note before the beat on which it is entered) by using the right
keys (note the
and ” markings below the
keys). Enter the chord in the normal way, then press the right
key to syncopate to one sixteenth-note before the beat, or the right
key to syncopate an eighth-note before the beat (the appropriate syncopation
symbol will appear before the chord root, crossing the beat line). In the exam-
ple display, below, the G7 chord is syncopated and will begin sounding an
eighth-note before the third beat of the second measure.
Clearing Chords
function key (“Clear”) can be used to clear the chord at which the
cursor is located.