
The QY8: What It Is & What It Can Do
With the QY8 accompaniments are produced by specifying a sequence
of “styles” and chord changes rather than by recording individual notes
( page 26). The QY8 has 50 preset styles (each with 6 variations) that
you can simply select and use to create accompaniments in a wide
variety of musical idioms ( page 18). Accompaniments consist of four
“parts”: the chord 1 and chord 2 parts, a bass part, and a drum part.
The four parts can be independently muted so you can use the entire
accompaniment, any combination of parts, or only a single part, as
required. The accompaniment parts feature Yamaha’s advanced ABC
(Auto Bass Chord) auto-accompaniment system so you can create even
complex accompaniments with a minimum of effort.
The Sequencer Parts
In addition to the accompaniment parts the QY8 has 4 sequencer-like
“parts” to which you can individually assign any of the 40 internal
voices (or drum kit if desired), and record just about anything you like
either via the QY8 controls ( page 36) or an external keyboard con-
nected to the QY8 MIDI IN connector ( page 43).