
The Basics: The Elements That Make Up a Song
If you move the cursor to the TEMPO parameter you can use the
[-1] and
[ + 1 ] buttons to set the playback tempo to anywhere
from 30 to 250 beats per minute. The 1 MEASURE pointer will
jump from beat to beat in time with the selected tempo.
7. Stop Playback
Press the [ / ] button to stop playback when you’re done.
Setting the Style Volume
The volume of the styles used in the current song can be set as follows
to match the volume levels of Parts 1 through 4.
1. Select the Style Entry Mode
Move the cursor to the STYLE pointer () to select the style
entry mode.
2. Select the Style Volume Parameter
Press the [ENTER] button while holding the up cursor button.
The style volume value will appear on the display.