
The Basics: The Elements That Make Up a Song
3. Set the Volume
Use the [-1] and [+1] buttons to set the volume as required (you
can do this while the cursor is located at the STYLE pointer or at
the VOLUME parameter). The volume range is from 0 to 127. A
setting of “0” produces no sound, while “127” produces maximum
volume. The default volume setting is “100”.
4. Exit
Move the cursor to the STYLE pointer and press [ENTER] or any
cursor button to return to the normal style entry mode.
The QY8 features a sophisticated ABC (Auto Bass Chord) system that
automatically re-harmonizes the chord and bass tracks to match chords
you specify. This makes creating complete accompaniment tracks fast
and easy … just enter the required styles and sections, then specify the
appropriate chord changes.
Chords are specified via “root”, “type” and “on-bass” parameters.
The root is the actual chord name — e.g. C, G, or Ab. Since there are
12 notes in the western musical scale, you have a choice of 12 chord
roots: C through B. The chord types include minor, major, seventh,
etc. The QY8 provides a selection of 25 chord types (listed below).
“On-bass” lets you specify a different note than the chord root to be
played by the bass — e.g. “CM7 on G” is a C major seventh chord with
G played in the bass.