
Creating an Accompaniment
MBå = Main section “B”.
FAB = A fill-in leading from section “A” to “B”.
FBA = A fill-in leading from section “B” to “A”.
End = Ending.
Press [ENTER] to enter the selected style/section at the current
location. A dot will appear on the 1 MEASURE bar to indicate
that a style change has been entered at that location.
2-5. Repeat steps 2-2 through 2-4 until all required style and section
changes have been entered.
The cursor must be located at the style or section name on the
display in order to enter a style or section change.
Style number “51” is a blank style that lets you insert silent
“breaks” in your songs, or create completely blank accompani-
ments when you only want to use the QY8 sequencer parts.
Deleting Style & Section Changes
To delete a style or section change, move the cursor to the dot on
the 1 MEASURE bar corresponding to the change you want to
delete, then press the [ENTER] button. An alternative method is to
use the [ ] and [ ] buttons to locate the measure containing the
style to be deleted, select the “blank” style (indicated by a row of
flashing blocks), and press [ENTER].