
The Option Functions
Key Change
Transposes the accompaniment and parts up or down by the specified
number of semitones. Minus (–) values transpose down while plus (+)
values transpose up. The maximum key change range is from –12
(down one octave) to +12 (up one octave).
1. With the cursor at the OPTION pointer use the [-1] and [+1]
buttons to select “KeyChng” on the display.
2. Press [ENTER] to call the Key Change parameter, then use the [-
1] and [+1] buttons to set as required.
3. Press the cursor up button to exit.
This function makes it simple to shift an entire song to a different
key … to match the range of a vocalist or make it easier to play
along with, for example. Use the Transpose function described on
page 59 if you want to transpose individual parts.
Amount of transposition in semitones