
The Option Functions
Individually transposes the specified range of measures within the
specified part up or down by the specified number of semitones. Minus
(–) values transpose down while plus (+) values transpose up. The
maximum transpose range is from –12 (down one octave) to +12 (up
one octave).
1. With the cursor at the OPTION pointer use the [-1] and [+1]
buttons to select “Trans.” on the display.
2. Press [ENTER] to call the Transpose parameters (the part param-
eter will be automatically selected).
3. Use the [-1] and [+1] buttons to select the part you want to
transpose: “P1” … “P4” are parts 1 through 4.
4. Move the cursor up to the transpose value, and use the [-1] and
[+1] buttons to set the required amount of transposition.
Top measure
End measure
Transpose value