
The Option Functions
Song number
3. Use the [-1] and [+1] buttons to select the number of the song to
be cleared.
4. Press [ENTER] to clear the specified song. “Completed” will
appear briefly on the display and the Clear Song function will
automatically be exited when the specified song has been cleared.
You can exit without executing the Clear Song function by moving
the cursor up to the OPTION pointer.
Use the [
UNDO] key immediately after executing the Clear Song
function if you accidentally clear the wrong song.
Data Out
Although the QY8 has memory for 20 songs, you might want to save
your song data to an external device to allow greater storage capacity or
simply to protect your data from accidental erasure or corruption. An
ideal storage device for use with the QY8 is the Yamaha MDF2 MIDI
Data Filer.
1. To save data from the QY8 to the MDF2, first connect the QY8
MIDI OUT to the MDF2 MIDI IN via a MIDI cable, and
prepare the MDF2 for reception (refer to the MDF2 operation