
If something doesn’t seem to be working right, please check the
following points before assuming that your QY8 is faulty.
If you are using an AC adaptor, is the adaptor properly plugged into both the
AC outlet and the QY8? See page 5.
If you are using batteries, is a fresh set of batteries properly installed in the
battery compartment? See page 6.
Is the volume control set to an appropriate level? See page 13.
Are the volume parameters for each track set to appropriate levels? See pages
21, 37.
Are the parts muted? See page 47.
Is the style “51Blank” selected?
Is the transpose parameter set to the normal value “0”? See pages 49, 59.
Is the maximum polyphony of the QY8 being exceeded? The QY8 can play
no more than 28 notes at once.
You may have selected an Option function other than Mute and Key
Have you inserted an end mark in the song? See page 31.
Have you inserted an ending section of a style in the middle of the song? See
page 20.
Plaback will stop automatically when measure number 299 is reached.
Have you entered a chord change? See page 29.
Are the ABC Zone high and low limits set to appropriate notes? See page 67.
Is the cursor placed at a location other than the Chord display? See page 67.
Is the SONG SELECT display selected?
If you are receiving a 1-song bulk dump, is the currently selected song empty
and therefore available to receive the data?
Bulk data cannot be received during song playback.
This can occur when you enter tied notes — the second note in the tied pair
will not appear.
The song time signature does not change according to the selected style. The
time signature must be changed in the PART mode.
In some cases the QY8 automatically replaces certain note with its equivalent.
Refer to the following list:
Power won’t turn on.
No sound.
Wrong pitch.
Notes are cut off or omitted.
Playback doesn’t begin when
the [ / ] key is pressed.
Playback stops in the
middle of a song.
The sound doesn’t
correspond to what you
ABC doesn’t work.
Bulk data not received.
No dot appears on the 1
MEASURE display even
though a note has been
Playback is in 4/4 time even
though a 3/4 style is selected.
A note you have entered does
not appear as the same note
on the display.