User's Manual

Direct selection
Any tune can be directly selected and played back by
specifying the tune number.
In stop mode or play mode, enter the desired tune
number using the digit buttons (0-1, +10, +20).
To select tune 12:
Press "+10" and "2".
To select tune 20:
Press "+20" and "0".
To select tune 54:
Press "+20" twice, "+10" and "4".
The beginning of the specified tune will be searched for and
played automatically.
The direct selection function can be used to cue up to
the beginning of a tune. Enter a tune number and
press the PAUSE button
The specified tune is
searched for and the unit enters pause mode. To start
playback, press the PLAY button
If a tune number which does not exist on the tape is
specified, the tape fast-forwards until the end.
Direct selection cannot be carried out on tapes which
do not contain tune numbers, or have their tunes
numbered incorrectly.
Direct selection cannot be used for programmed tunes
in APMS.
Absolute time search
Playback can be started from any point when the absolute
time (from the beginning of the tape to the point where you
want to start playback) is specified.
1 Press the ABS TIME button in stop mode or
playback mode.
2 Enter the desired absolute time using the digit
buttons (0-1).
For example, when searching for "one hour, 25 minutes
and 32 seconds", press "1", "2", "5", "3" and "2".
3 Press the PLAY button
Playback starts from the specified ABS time.
When a time longer than the recording time on the tape
is specified, the tape will stop at the end.
During playback, the absolute time must be entered
within 4 seconds after pressing the ABS TIME button.
Otherwise, the function will be canceled.