User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Creating a Song on the MOTIF ES
Owner’s Manual
Quick Guide — Advanced Course
Recalling a Song Scene and Arpeggio type during recording
ARP1 - ARP5 menus appear also in the [F3] ARP display in the Song Record mode as well as the [F1] PLAY display in the Song
Play mode. These indicate that you can change the Song Scene and Arpeggio type simultaneously during Song recording from
the [F3] ARP display.
Recording Song Scene changes to a song
Each Song contains a Scene track to which you can record Scene changes. When the RecTrack is set to “scene” in step #4
described on page 118, you can record Scene changes from any display (even from those in which ARP1 - ARP5 are not shown)
by pressing the [SF1] - [SF5] buttons during recording.
n The explanations on Arpeggio here also apply to the Pattern mode.
n As in the Voice mode and Performance mode, Arpeggio types can only be registered to the [SF1] - [SF5] buttons when the [ARPEGGIO ON/OFF] button is
turned off.
n For details on how to select an Arpeggio type in the Song mode/Pattern mode, see page 105.
Editing the recorded song
The Song Edit mode and Song Job mode can be used to edit or change the data of the already recorded song.
The Song Edit mode lets you change the recorded data and insert new data if needed. This includes note data as well as non-
note data, such as program (Voice) changes and MIDI control change messages. The Song Job mode on the other hand
provides a comprehensive variety of tools you can use to transform the recorded data — such as cleaning up the timing
(Quantize), transposing, changing the velocity of notes, modifying the length of notes, and other useful operations for altering the
sound. It also includes a variety of convenient operations, such as copying or erasing data. Most of these operations can be
performed on either an entire track or a selected range of measures in the track.
n The explanations here also apply to the Pattern mode.
Editing the recorded Song data by MIDI event (in the Song Edit mode)
Press the [SONG] button to enter the Song Play mode, then select a Song to be edited.
Enter the Song Edit mode by pressing the [EDIT] button (the lamp lights), then press the [F1] CHANGE
button to call up the MIDI event list display.
Song position
MIDI events
Clock (480 clocks
per quarter-note)