User's Manual

Table Of Contents
Reference Voice Mode
Voice Edit mode Normal Voice Edit Common Edit
Owner’s Manual
There are three kinds of Voices: Normal Voices, Drum Voices and Plug-in Voices (if a Plug-in board has been installed). The following section
shows how to edit the different types of voices and explains the parameters available. Note that available parameters to be edited differ
depending on the Voice types (Normal Voice, Drum Voice, Plug-in Voice).
Normal Voice Edit
When a Normal Voice is selected, the Voice Edit parameters are divided into Common Edit (parameters common to all four Elements), and
Element Edit (parameters of individual Elements).
These parameters are for making global (or common) edits to all four Elements of the selected Normal Voice.
PortaTime (Portamento Time) Determines the pitch transition time. Higher values result in longer transition times.
Settings: 0 ~ 127
PortaMode (Portamento Mode) Determines the Portamento mode. The behavior of the Portamento varies depending on whether Mono/Poly is set to
“mono” or “poly.”
Settings: fingered, fulltime
fingered ........... Portamento is only applied when you play legato (playing the next note before releasing the previous one).
fulltime ............. Portamento is always applied.
[F5] EG (Envelope Generator)
This display contains the basic EG settings, both volume and filter, for the voice, as well as the filter’s cutoff frequency and resonance settings. The settings made
here are applied as offsets to the AEG and FEG settings in the Voice Edit mode.
The full names of the available parameters are shown in the chart below, as they appear in the display.
Settings: -64 ~ 0 ~ +63 (except --- above)
[F6] ARP (Arpeggio)
This display contains the basic settings for Arpeggio playback, including Type and Tempo. About the [SF1] - [SF5] buttons, see the explanation of the [F1] PLAY
Ctgr (Category),
These three parameters determine the Arpeggio Type. The three-letter prefix number before the Type name
indicates the number within the selected Category.
Settings: Refer to the separate Data List.
Tempo Determines the Arpeggio Tempo. When MIDI Sync ([UTILITY] [F5] MIDI [SF3] SYNC MIDI Sync) is set to
“MIDI,” “MIDI” is displayed here and cannot be set.
Settings: 1 ~ 300
VelLimit (Velocity Limit) Determines the lowest and highest velocity which can trigger the Arpeggio playback. The Arpeggio plays when you
play notes at velocities within in this range.
Settings: 1 ~ 127
n Keys played outside the set limit sound normally without any Arpeggio.
Switch Determines whether Arpeggio is on or off. You can also turn Arpeggio on/off from the front panel with the
Settings: off, on
Hold Determines whether the Arpeggio playback is “held” or not. When this is set to “on,” the Arpeggio cycles
automatically, even if you release your fingers from the keys, and it continues to cycle until the next key is pressed.
Settings: sync-off (see below), off, on
sync-off............ When set to “sync-off,” the Arpeggio playback continues to run silently, even when you release the keys. Pressing any
key turns the Arpeggio playback on again. In other words, you can use the key to “un-mute” or “mute” (not start or stop)
the Arpeggio playback by, respectively, holding it down or releasing it.
Voice Edit mode
[VOICE] Voice selection [EDIT]
Common Edit
[VOICE] Normal Voice selection [EDIT] [COMMON]
From this display you can assign the category (sub and main) of the selected voice, and create a name for the
voice. The voice name can contain up to 10 characters. For detailed instructions on naming a voice, see “Basic
Operation” on page 53.
Attack time Decay time
Sustain level
Release Time
--- --- ---
FEG --- Depth Cutoff frequency Resonance