User's Manual

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Reference Performance Mode
Performance Edit mode Common Edit
Owner’s Manual
[SF2] MEQ (Master EQ)
From this display you can apply five-band equalization to all Parts of the selected Performance. You can raise or
lower the signal level at the Frequency of each band (LOW, LOWMID, MID, HIGHMID, HIGH).
SHAPE Determines whether the equalizer type used is Shelving or Peaking. The Peaking type attenuates/boosts the signal
at the specified Frequency setting, whereas the Shelving type attenuates/boosts the signal at frequencies above or
below the specified Frequency setting. This parameter is available only for the LOW and HIGH frequency bands.
Settings: shelv (Shelving type), peak (Peaking type)
FREQ (Frequency) Determines the center frequency. Frequencies around this point are attenuated/boosted by the Gain setting.
Settings: LOW: Shelving 32Hz ~ 2.0kHz, Peaking 63Hz ~ 2.0kHz
LOWMID, MID, HIGHMID: 100Hz ~ 10.0kHz
HIGH: 500Hz ~ 16.0kHz
GAIN Determines the level gain for the Frequency (set above), or the amount the selected frequency band is attenuated or
Settings: -12dB ~ 0dB ~ +12dB
Q (Frequency Characteristic) This varies the signal level at the Frequency setting to create various frequency curve characteristics.
Settings: 0.1 ~ 12.0
n For details on the EQ, see page 178.
[SF3] MEF (Master Effect)
From this display you can set the Master Effect related parameters. This display can be called up by pressing and
holding the [MASTER EFFECT] button on the front panel.
Switch Determines whether Master Effect is applied or not to the selected Performance. You can turn it on or off by pressing
the [MASTER EFFECT] button on the front panel.
Settings: off, on
Type Determines the Master effect type.
Settings: Refer to the Effect Types list in the separate Data List booklet.
n The available parameters except for the above two differ depending on the currently selected effect type. For more information, refer to the separate Data List booklet.
[F3] ARP (Arpeggio)
From this display you can set the Arpeggio related parameters.
Same as in Normal Voice Common Edit. See page 191.
[SF3] PLAY FX (Play Effect)
[SF4] OUT CH (Output Channel)
From this display you can set a separate MIDI output channel for the Arpeggio playback data, letting you have the
Arpeggio sound from an external tone generator or synthesizer.
OutputSwitch When this is set to on, Arpeggio playback data is output via MIDI.
Settings: on, off
TransmitCh Determines the MIDI transmit channel for Arpeggio playback data. When set to “KbdCh,” the Arpeggio playback
data is output via the MIDI Keyboard Transmit Channel ([UTILITY] [F5] MIDI KBDTransCh).
Settings: 1 ~ 16, KbdCh (Keyboard Channel)
[F4] CTL ASN (Controller Assign)
You can assign Control Change numbers to the controllers listed below, letting you use the hardware controllers on the keyboard to alter the sound of external
MIDI devices, via the appropriate MIDI messages. When the MOTIF ES receives Control Change data corresponding to the settings here, the internal tone
generator responds as if the instrument's controllers were used.
BC (Breath Controller) Determines the Control Change number generated when you apply breath pressure to the Breath Controller
connected to the BREATH connector.
RB (Ribbon Controller) Determines the Control Change number generated when you run your finger across the surface of the Ribbon
(Ribbon Controller Mode)
Determines whether the Ribbon Controller value returns to a center value when you release your finger from the
Ribbon Controller (reset), or the value is retained at the value at the last point of contact (hold).
AS1 (Assign 1),
AS2 (Assign 2)
Determines the Control Change number generated when you control the KN3 (Knob3) and the KN4 (Knob4) with
both the [PAN/SEND] and [TONE] lamp turned on.
FC1 (Foot Controller 1),
FC2 (Foot Controller 2)
Determines the Control Change number generated when you use the Foot Controller connected to the FOOT
n Keep in mind that the functions of these controllers set here are not changed for the internal tone generator. The controller assignments for the MOTIF ES itself depend on
the settings of the Voices assigned to each Part.
The audio signal input from the A/D INPUT jack, mLAN connector (when the optional mLAN16E has been installed to this synthesizer), DIGITAL IN or OPTICAL IN
connector (when the optional AIEB2 has been installed to this synthesizer) can be handled as an Audio Input Part. You can apply various parameters such as
Effect settings to this Part, just as with the other Parts.
n For details about the Audio Input Parts, see page 165.