Owner's Manual

If you think or feel that the vehicle may tip or
roll, keep your body completely inside the pro-
tective structure of the vehicle:
Brace yourself by pressing your feet firmly
on the floorboards and keep a firm grip on
the steering wheel or handholds.
Do not put your hands or feet outside of the
vehicle for any reason. Do not try to stop a
tipover using your arm or leg.
With the engine idling in neutral and your foot
on the brake, shift the drive select lever into
low or high. NOTICE: Do not shift from low
to high or vice versa without coming to a
complete stop and waiting for the engine
to return to normal idle speed damage to
the engine or drive train may occur. Then
release the parking brake. Press the accel-
erator pedal slowly and smoothly. The centrif-
ugal clutch will engage and the vehicle will
begin to accelerate.
Avoid higher speeds and sudden or hard ac-
celeration until you are thoroughly familiar
with the operation of your vehicle. Avoid sud-
den or hard acceleration in any turn.
EE.book Page 15 Friday, August 3, 2007 11:59 AM