Owner`s manual

Engine oil and oil filter cartridge
Check engine oil level before each operation.
In addition, change the oil and the oil filter car-
tridge at the intervals specified in the periodic
maintenance and lubrication chart.
To check the engine oil level
1. Park the vehicle on a level surface.
2. Remove the console. (See page 8-9 for
console removal and installation proce-
3. Check the engine oil level on a cold en-
gine. If the engine was started before
checking the oil level, be sure to warm up
the engine sufficiently, and then wait at
least ten minutes until the oil settles for
an accurate reading.
4. Remove the engine oil filler cap and wipe
off the dipstick with a clean rag.
5. Insert the dipstick in the oil filler hole
(without screwing it in), and then remove
it again to check the oil level. The engine
oil should be between the minimum and
maximum level marks.
1. Maximum level mark 2. Minimum level mark
3. Dipstick 4. Engine oil filler cap
6. If the engine oil is at or below the mini-
mum level mark, add sufficient oil of the
recommended type to raise it to the cor-
rect level.
EE.book Page 10 Friday, August 3, 2007 4:52 PM