User Manual

Data List
The hard and soft companders combine the effects of the compressor, expander and limiter.
The companders function differently at the following levels:
1 0 dB and higher ..................................Functions as a limiter.
2 Exceeding the threshold ....................Functions as a compressor.
3 Below the threshold and width ..........Functions as an expander.
The hard compander has an expansion ratio of 5:1, while the soft compander has an
expansion ratio of 1.5:1. The expander is essentially turned off when the width is set to
maximum. The compressor has a fixed knee setting of 2.
* The gain is automatically adjusted according to the ratio and threshold values, and can be increased by up to 18 dB.
* The OUT GAIN parameter enables you to compensate for the overall level change caused by the compression and
expansion processes.
This detects and compresses only the sibilants and other high-frequency consonants of the
Effect Type List
Parameter Range Description
THRESHOLD (dB) -54 to 0 (55 points)
This determines the level at which compression is
1.0:1, 1.1:1, 1.3:1, 1.5:1, 1.7:1, 2.0:1,
2.5:1, 3.0:1, 3.5:1, 4.0:1, 5.0:1, 6.0:1,
8.0:1, 10:1, 20:1 (15 points)
This determines the amount of compression.
ATTACK (ms) 0-120 (121 points)
This determines how soon the signal is compressed or
expanded once the compander has been triggered.
44.1kHz: 6 ms - 46.0 sec
48kHz: 5 ms - 42.3 sec (160 points)
This determines how soon the compressor or
expander returns to the normal gain once the trigger
signal level drops below or exceeds the threshold
respectively. The value is expressed as the duration
required for the level to change by 6 dB.
OUT GAIN (dB) -18.0 to 0.0 (181 points) This sets the compressor's output signal level.
WIDTH (dB) 1-90 (90 points)
This determines how far below the threshold
expansion will be applied. The expander is activated
when the level drops below the threshold and width.
Parameter Range Description
THRESHOLD -54 to 0 (55 points) Threshold level at which the de-esser effect is applied.
FREQUENCY 1kHz-12.5kHz (45 points)
Cutoff frequency of the filter used to detect the high
TYPE HPF, BPF Type of filter used to detect the frequency band.
Q 10.0-0.10 (41 points) Q (steepness) of the filter when TYPE is BPF.
Input Level
Output Level
Title Type Description
REV-X Hall REV-X HALL New reverb algorithm that delivers dense and rich reverberation, smooth decay,
and provides a spaciousness and depth that enhances the original sound.
Choose from three types depending on your location and needs: REV-X HALL,
Reverb Hall REVERB HALL Concert hall reverberation simulation with gate
Reverb Room REVERB ROOM Room reverberation simulation with gate
Reverb Stage REVERB STAGE Reverb designed for vocals, with gate
Reverb Plate REVERB PLATE Plate reverb simulation with gate
Stereo Reverb ST REVERB Stereo reverb
Early Ref. EARLY REF. Early reflections without the subsequent reverb
Gate Reverb GATE REVERB Gated early reflections
Reverse Gate REVERSE GATE Gated reverse early reflections
Mono Delay MONO DELAY Simple mono delay
Stereo Delay STEREO DELAY Simple stereo delay
Mod.Delay MOD.DELAY Simple repeat delay with modulation
Delay LCR DELAY LCR 3-tap (left, center, right) delay
Echo ECHO Stereo delay with crossed left/right feedback
Chorus CHORUS Chorus
Flange FLANGE Flanger
Proprietary Yamaha effect that produces a richer and more complex modulation
than normal chorus
Phaser PHASER 16-stage stereo phase shifter
Dyna.Flange DYNA.FLANGE Dynamically controlled flanger
Dyna.Phaser DYNA.PHASER Dynamically controlled phase shifter
HQ. Pitch HQ.PITCH Mono pitch shifter, producing stable results
Dual Pitch DUAL PITCH Stereo pitch shifter
Tremolo TREMOLO Tremolo
Auto Pan AUTO PAN Auto-panner
Rotary ROTARY Rotary speaker simulation
Ring Mod. RING MOD. Ring modulator
Mod.Filter MOD.FILTER Modulated filter
Dyna.Filter DYNA.FILTER Dynamically controlled filter
Rev+Chorus REV+CHORUS Reverb and chorus in parallel
RevChorus REVCHORUS Reverb and chorus in series
Rev+Flange REV+FLANGE Reverb and flanger in parallel
RevFlange REVFLANGE Reverb and flanger in series
Rev+Sympho. REV+SYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in parallel
RevSympho. REVSYMPHO. Reverb and symphonic in series
RevPan REVPAN Reverb and auto-pan in series
Delay+Er. DELAY+ER. Delay and early reflections in parallel
. Delay and early reflections in series