User Manual

sample fs 44.1 kHz fs 48kHz fs 88.2kHz fs 96kHz
336 7.60msec 7.00msec 3.80msec 3.50msec
336+7 7.80msec 7.10msec 3.90msec 3.60msec
336+14 7.90msec 7.30msec 4.00msec 3.60msec
Latency values
This area shows the latency values (msec) generated by the signal that is input to the DSP engine, passes through the
input channel, and is output to the buses. A latency value increases as Delay Compensation is applied. The value also
varies depending on the Fs (sampling rate).
MIX....................... Latency from INPUT to MIX OUT
STEREO ............ Latency from INPUT to STEREO OUT
MATRIX.............. Latency from INPUT to MATRIX OUT
System Setup > DELAY COMPENSATION popup window