User Manual

Level meters
These meters indicate the levels at various points in the signal flow. Levels are detected at the following locations.
GC GAIN OUT (immediately after the analog gain)
D.GAIN OUT (immediately after the digital gain)
EQ OUT (immediately after the EQ)
DYN1 OUT (immediately after the dynamics 1)
DYN2 OUT (immediately after the dynamics 2)
FADER OUT (immediately after the fader)
ON OUT (immediately after the channel ON)
BUS OUT (immediately after the bus)
EQ OUT (immediately after the EQ)
DYN OUT (immediately after the dynamics)
DELAY OUT (immediately after the delay)
FADER OUT (immediately after the fader)
ON OUT (immediately after the channel ON)
DELAY POINT select buttons (input channels only)
Enable you to select the delay insert point.
DIRECT OUT POINT select buttons (input channels only)
Enable you to select the direct out point.
CH Parameter > SIGNAL FLOW popup window