User Manual

Effects Parameters
8 RIVAGE PM series Data List
SP2016 Reverb Preset
No. Parameter
1 Factory Default
2 Carpeted Room
3 Fattening Plate
4 Implicitly
5 Just Enough Room
6 Monday Bloody Monday
7 Subtle Slapback
8 Vintage Kiss
9 Crazy for Congas
10 Empty Coffee Shop
11 Medium Drum Room
12 New Plate
13 Room Bloom
14 Subtle Stereo
15 Sweetly
16 80s Stereo Room
17 Antiquated
18 Behind the Hall
19 Large Room
20 Nice Stereo Room
21 Observatory
22 Sheen
23 Sizzlin' Hot Plate
24 Deceptive Room
25 Epic Plate
26 Hand Of God
27 Ice Tunnel
28 Infinity Room
29 Majestic Walls
30 UV Rays
31 Crazy for Congas
32 Ensnare
33 John Jon Drums
34 Just Enough Room
35 Live Snare
36 Make the Snare Special
37 Metal Snare Chamber
38 Perc
39 Sizzlin' Hot Plate
40 Space 808s
41 50s Plate
42 Don't Touch The Plate
43 Indoor Tennis Court
44 Lead Vocal
45 New Plate
46 Vocal Chamber
47 Vocal Linger
48 Wellspring
49 Empty Coffee Shop
50 Explicitly
51 Fattening Plate
52 Give It The Edge
53 Hardwood Floors
54 Implicitly
55 Sheen
56 Sweetly
57 Wellspring
58 Church Organ
59 Funky Delay
60 Gathering Storm
61 Grand Piano
62 Indoor Tennis Court
63 Magic Plate
64 Piano Sheen
65 Quite the Grand Piano
66 Vintage Kiss
67 80s In My Soul
68 Antiquated
69 Bright Plate
70 Epic Plate
71 Huge Synth Bass
72 Ice Tunnel
73 Infinity Room
74 Observatory
75 Rhythm Synth
76 Bright Plate
77 Collection Plate
78 Modern Stereo Pluck
79 Soften The Blow
80 Spinning Plate
81 String Chamber
82 Drum Room
83 Duality
84 Guitar Clean
85 Guitar Cleaner
86 Guitar Solo
87 InStereo
88 InStereoModern
No. Parameter
89 InStereoSize
90 Large Drums
91 Modern Movement
92 ModernVocalizer
93 Outhere
94 PlatosPlate
95 RainRoom
96 Rhythmic Movement
97 Sizzle Size
98 Small Drums
99 Small Synth Sizzle
100 Solo Stereo
101 SomeWear
102 SomeWhereOutThere
103 Space Case
104 SpaciousSymbol
105 Stereo Strings
106 Synth Room
107 Synth Sizzle
108 VintageVocalizer
109 Vocalizer
110 Horn Room
111 West Coast Ballad
112 Ambiences
113 Big Drum Space
114 Distant Plate
115 Distant Verb
116 Drum Space
117 Lost in Plate
118 Lost In Space
119 Rumble Verb
120 Shake Verb
121 Shimmer Verb
122 Float
123 GTR Solo
124 Guitar 1
125 Guitar 2
126 Mod Snare 2
127 Mod Snare
128 Studio 4 - A Room
129 Wash
No. Parameter
140 DP_je SNARE 2
141 DP_je SNARE 3
142 DP_je VOCALS 1
143 DP_nh SNARE 1
144 DP_nh STRINGS & synths
145 DP_nh VOCALS 2
146 Alone In Space Vocal
147 Percussion Slap Back
148 Vibey Drum Room
149 2016 String Quartet
150 Fiddle Reverb
151 Lead Vocal
152 Long Orch Bass Drum Efx
153 Strings All
154 Vocal Special
155 Addicted Vocal
156 Antisocial Snare
157 Butch's Verb
158 Horn Stab It
159 Make the Snare Not Special
160 Make the Snare Special
161 Modern Acoustic Room
162 Modern Sol Beck
163 Primo Stab
164 Push it Down the Hall
165 Vintage Acoustic Room
166 Vintage Sol Beck
167 Classic Vocal Reverb
168 Gtr Room Reverb 2
169 Gtr Room Reverb
170 Gtr Solo Room
171 Short Vocal Room
172 Sn Drum Room
173 80's Kick
174 80's Snare
175 Bongos & Congas
176 Hihats
No. Parameter
177 Kick Drum Booom 1
178 Kick Drum Booom 2
179 Kick Drum Booom 3
180 Long Vocal Room
181 Short Vocal Room
182 Synth Pad
183 Bloom Plate
184 Boxed In
185 Dark Hall
186 Double Time
187 Factory Space
188 Flams
189 High Streams
190 Mid Type
191 Murker Plate
192 Odd Slapback
193 Playing off Time
194 Pulse Ping
195 See Saw
196 Shake Up
197 Silo Tank
198 Slate Plate
199 Slop Boxz
200 Snare Verb
201 Stepped Ahead
202 Stumble Verb
203 Thunder Rolls
204 Tight Tiles
205 Verb Rezzor
206 Brass Reverb
207 Chicken Wrap (Lumpy)
208 Crime Club
209 Dream Guitar
210 Honky Tonk
211 In the nineteen nineties
212 Magic Chin
213 McCarthy
214 Passports Please
215 Poachies
216 Refracted Strings
217 Ring Sting
218 The Alderman
219 Up the Asda
220 Wolf Knickers
No. Parameter