User Manual

Theatre mode
3 RIVAGE PM series V2.5 Supplemental Manual
This mode is suitable for use in theatres. It enables you to store EQ and dynamics settings in four
banks and assign one of those banks to each actor on stage.
In Theatre mode, EQ or dynamics parameter settings are not stored in each scene. Only information
regarding which bank is used will be stored. Therefore, fine adjustments made while using Theatre
mode will be applied to the appropriate settings in scenes that use the same bank. You dont need to
use the Global Paste function to update the settings.
You can view and manage these four banks for each actor in the actor library, which makes it easy to
switch double-cast actors or accommodate a sudden cast substitution.
Channel libraries in Theatre mode include all four bank settings. Channel EQ and dynamics settings
configured in Default mode cannot be used in Theatre mode. Similarly, settings configured in
Theatre mode cannot be used in Default mode.
In Preview mode, EQ and dynamics parameter settings are not applicable.
To switch to Theatre mode:
1. Press the SETUP button to access the SETUP screen.
2. Press the MAINTENANCE button to access the MAINTENANCE popup window.
3. Press the UNIT MODE tab.
4. Press the THEATRE button to change the mode.
A popup confirmation window appears, informing you that the control surface will be
rebooted after the mode is switched.
5. Press the OK button.
Theatre mode