User Manual

4 Press one of the buttons in the FADER ASSIGN field to select the group of bands you
will control using the faders in the Channel Strip section.
The buttons in the FADER ASSIGN field correspond to the following groups of bands.
20-250: Twelve bands within 20.0Hz–250Hz
80-1k: Twelve bands within 80.0Hz–1.00 kHz
250-3.15k: Twelve bands within 250Hz–3.15 kHz
1.6k-20k: Twelve bands within 1.60kHz–20.0 kHz
When you press one of these buttons, the faders for the bands selected on screen will turn
white, and the numbers of the corresponding faders in the Channel Strip section will be
displayed. Also, you will be able to use the faders in the Channel Strip section to control the
corresponding bands.
The above operation is possible even if the Channel Strip section is locked. When you turn off the button in the FADER
ASSIGN field, the faders will return to the locked state.
5 Raise the corresponding fader of the Channel Strip section.
The corresponding frequency region will be boosted or cut.
When a fader in the Channel Strip section is set to the center (flat) position, the corresponding [ON] key indicator will turn
off. This indicates that the corresponding band is not being modified. If you raise or lower the fader even the slightest
amount, the [ON] key will light, indicating that this band is being modified. If you press a lit [ON] key to make it go dark, the
corresponding band will immediately return to the flat state.
6 Repeat steps 4 and 5 to adjust each band.
If you switch the touch screen display to a different screen or to the GEQ window, the fader assignments in the Channel
Strip section will forcibly be defeated. However, if you once again display the same GEQ, the group of bands you had
previously been controlling will automatically be assigned to the faders.
7 When you finish making settings, turn off the buttons in the FADER ASSIGN field.
The faders and [ON] keys in the Channel Strip section will return to their previous function.
When you close the GEQ popup window, the buttons in the FADER ASSIGN field automatically turn off.
GEQ/PEQ/Automixer > Using the 31BandGEQ