User Manual

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RM Series (RM-CR/RM-CG/RM-TT/RM-WAP) Remote Control Protocol Specifications Version 2.0.0
3. Command Specifications
2-6) Keepalive activation setting
Command Option 1 Option 2 Description
scpmode keepalive (interval) Maximum interval for a client to send some kind of message,
including heart beats (default setting = disabled)
Details: (interval) = Timeout value (msec) * Timeout value should be more than 1000.
* The actual timeout value will be increased by 1 second.
Response string Description
OK scpmode keepalive xxxx Keepalive activated notification
Details: xxxx = The specified timeout value (msec)
Example: Command: scpmode keepalive 2000
Response: OK scpmode keepalive 2000
Meaning: Set the timeout value to 2000 msec (2 seconds).
The timeout value was set to 2000 msec (2 seconds).
Note: When unexpected disconnection happens, remote controller can’t finish communication with closing process.
In such case, device has to keep status "connected" and remote controller can’t establish new connection after that.
In order to prevent the situation above, device watches keepalive command if connection with remote controller is still
If device doesn’t receive keepalive command within timeout value which is set by this command, device terminates
connection by itself.
After the Keepalive activation command has been activated, the Remote controller must send any command or
LF(0x0A) code as a heart beat to the device within the timeout value.
3.3.3. Parameter query
2-7) Raw value parameter query
Command Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Description
get AccessID X Y Raw value parameter query request
Details: AccessID = See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Response string Description
OK get AccessID 0 0 (value) Raw value parameter query response
Details: AccessID= See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
(value) = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specifications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
Example: Command: get RM:FeIn_Fader/Ch/Level 0 0
Response: OK get RM:FeIn_Fader/Ch/Level 0 0 -7760
Meaning: Query the ch1 fader level of FarEnd input (Bluetooth Input L)
The fader level of ch1 is -77.60dB.