User Manual

Table Of Contents
RM Series (RM-CR/RM-CG/RM-TT/RM-WAP) Remote Control Protocol Specifications Version 2.0.0
3. Command Specifications
3.2. Commands a Device Sends to a Remote Controller
3.2.1. Device status change notification
1-1) Device run mode notification
Command Option 1 Option 2 Description
NOTIFY devstatus runmode "normal" Normal run mode
NOTIFY devstatus runmode "update" Update mode
Example: Notification: NOTIFY devstatus runmode "normal"
Meaning: The run mode was changed to normal mode.
1-2) Device error status notification
Command Option 1 Option 2 Description
NOTIFY devstatus error "fault" Alert fault information
"error" Alert error information
"warning" Alert warning information
Details: "falut" = Alert (fault) is occurring.
"error" = Alert (Error) is occurring.
"warning" = Alert (Warning) is occurring.
Example: Notification: NOTIFY devstatus error "fault"
Meaning: Alert (fault) occurred
3.2.2. Parameter change notification
1-3) Parameter change notification raw value
Parameter change notification normalized value
Command Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4 Option 5 Description
NOTIFY set AccessID X Y "(value)" "(string)" "Parameter change raw value"
NOTIFY setn AccessID X Y "(value)" "(string)" "Parameter change normalized value"
Details: AccessID = See section 7, "Parameter List."
X = See section 7, "Parameter List."
Y = See section 7, "Parameter List."
"(value)" = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specifications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
"(string)" = See section 3.1, "Basic Command Specifications," or section 7, "Parameter List."
Example: Notification: NOTIFY set RM:FeIn_Fader/Ch/Level 0 0 -7760 "-77.60"
Meaning: Changed FarEnd input Fader 1ch(Bluetooth Input L) level at "-77.60"
3.2.3. Meter information notification
1-4) Meter information notification
Command Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Description
NOTIFY mtr Meter ID level (meter) Level meter value
gr gr meter value
Details: MeterID = See section 8, "Meters."
(meter) = See section 5, "Meter Values."
Example: Notification: NOTIFY mtr RM:FeInPostFader level 00 00 2d 2e 00 00 00 00
* The meter value is expressed using a 2-digit hexadecimal.
Meaning: Notify FarEnd input channel levels of ch1 to ch8 as 00 00 2d 2e 00 00 00 00