User Manual

The RM-CG ceiling microphone is equipped with a "multi-beam tracking" function that
provides stable tracking to multiple participants talking at the same time. It also delivers clear
sound by making full use of its various audio processing technologies. We have received
inquiries about the possibility of realizing a voice lift system in a classroom or meeting room
by optimizing these features of the RM-CG. A voice lift system can be made using an RM-
CG by selecting and installing the correct speakers and adjusting the audio appropriately.
This document explains what to consider when establishing a voice lift system using the RM-
Purpose of Voice Lift
A voice lift system complements the distance attenuation of people's voices by capturing and
amplifying them with a microphone and speakers, which provides an environment where
even the farthest participant can hear the speaker's voice as if they are close to each other.
Therefore, a voice lift system is unsuitable for a room with high reverberation or background
noise and an event with a PA (public address) system that needs a higher sound pressure
level than for a normal conversation.
Two Use Cases of Voice Lift System
Mainly, there are two cases where a voice lift system is needed. The first is to allow all
participants to hear each other clearly in a large meeting (many to many), and the second is
to make all participants hear a presenter's voice clearly during a presentation (one to many).
Both cases require an environment where the participants can listen to the presenter's voice
clearly, regardless of the distance between the participants and the presenter.