User Manual

RM-CR Reference Manual
The following are examples of a connection to an expansion device.
Connecting a handheld microphone
Connect this unit to a handheld microphone to talk with the other party and amplify your voice at your location.
Prepare the following.
Handheld microphone
1. Connect this unit and the handheld microphone.
NOTE: Two handheld microphones can be connected at the same time.
Connecting a speaker with built-in amplifier
Connect this unit to a speaker with built-in amplifier to expand the playback range at your location.
Prepare the following.
Speaker with built-in amplifier
Audio cable with RCA jack on one end or both ends
NOTICE: Use a speaker with built-in amplifier that has little delay and distortion. Using a speaker with a lot of delay or distortion
may cause echoing for the other party.
NOTE: The audio cable jack that connects to the speaker with built-in amplifier does not necessarily have to be an RCA jack.
Prepare a cable that meets the specifications of the speaker with built-in amplifier.
1. Connect this unit and the speaker.
NOTE: Two speakers with built-in amplifiers can be connected at the same time.
Handheld microphone
Speaker with built-in amplifier
Audio cable