User Manual

Table Of Contents
RM Series (RM-CR/RM-CG/RM-TT/RM-WAP) Remote Control Protocol Specications Version 1.2.0
3. Command Specications
3.1. Basic Command Specications
Below is the syntax of commands exchanged between a device and remote controller.
<command name> <option 1> <option 2> . . . <option n> <new line>
- Each command must end with LF (0x0A).
- LF (0x0A) code can be sent as heart-beat command.
- Character type letter(s) in command line must be bracketed by double quotations.
When double quotation itself needs to be included in command line, use "escape character" as shown below.
Backslash works as an escape character to express following one character for double quotation and backslash.
Syntax Meaning Description
\\ \ backslash
\" " double quotation
- At least one space is necessary between a command name and an option and between options.
- Commands must be expressed using ASCII characters. Other characters are not allowed.
- Option strings that express parameter values are shown below.
Value Displayed string Raw Value Normalized
-Innity "-INFINITY" -13801 0
-18dB "-18.00" -1800 453
-6.5dB "-6.50" -650 677
0dB "0.00" 0 804
10dB "10.00" 1000 1000
2kHz "2.00k" 2000000 667
400Hz "400" 400000 435
Pan L 63 "L63" -63 0
Pan Center "C" 0 500
Pan R 63 "R63" +63 1000
0 500
1 1000
0 0
1 1000
* For other parameters, see section 6, "Parameter Value Details," provided later.
* Normalized value is a converted value when minimum value of the parameter is as 0 and maximum value of the parameter is as 1000
Example: -inf as minimum mapped 0, 10dB as maximum mapped 1000, 0dB mapped 804 for level parameter.
* 1: This value is set by 2-8) Normalization resolution setting, default resolution is 1000.