Owner's Manual

Owner’s Manual
The following is an abbreviated list of frequently asked
questions in the past. Please check it if you run into similar
problems and need help.
Power does not turn on, power indicator does not
Connect the power cord properly (page 15).
Turn the [POWER] switch ON. If the power still will not
come on, contact your Yamaha dealer.
SLOT 1–4 [LOCK] indicators and SLOT 1–4 [SRC]
indicators alternately flash red, and the unit does
not start up
The units hardware settings was not updated after updating
the firmware. Alternatively, the units hardware settings may
be damaged.
While holding down the SLOT 3 [SRC] key, turn the power
on again to update the units hardware settings (page 20). If
the power still will not come on, contact your Yamaha dealer.
Sound is not output
Connect the cables properly.
Verify that a signal is being output from the corresponding
If the SLOT 1–4 [LOCK] indicator is flashing red or lit red, re-
specify the correct clock.
Is the patch of the Dante network set up correctly by Dante
On the unit to which the RSio64-D is connected, is the word
clock set in a way that is compatible with the Dante network?
Check whether the user pattern setting is correct.
Check whether the routing pattern selection might be incor-
Audio cuts out or distorts.
Is the slots input frequency selected correctly?
If [SLOT] or [WCLK IN] is selected as the word clock source,
change it to [DANTE]. Keep in mind that if this remedies the
problem, the clocks for the Dante network and the unit will
not be synced. In this case, this unit must be acting as the
clock master for the Dante network. If this still does not solve
the problem, check the SLOT 1–4 [LOCK] indicators and the
WORD CLOCK indicators, and take the appropriate action.
For details, refer to the Dante Controller User Guide available
on the website.
Can’t operate the panel
Could panel lock be activated?
The RSio64-D is not recognized on the Dante
Does the Dante [UNIT ID] conflict with another Dante-com-
patible device made by Yamaha?
Is the network switch working properly?
The problem may be solved by turning the network switch on
Is the cable defective?
The problem may be solved by replacing the cable.
Device settings and DIP switch settings are not
Turn off the power before changing the setting. If you change
the setting while the power is on, the changed setting is not
applied until the power is turned off and on again.
What are the computer requirements for
updating the firmware?
For information about updating the unit, refer to the firm-
ware update guide for each product and the following website.
Cannot update
The problem may be solved by disabling any antivirus soft-
ware and the firewall of the computer. For other details, refer
to the firmware update guide available on the website.
What devices should I update?
It is necessary to update multiple devices depending on the
version of each device. For details, refer to the firmware com-
patibility available on the website.
How can the Dante input and output signals be
Use Dante Controller to configure the audio routing (patch-
ing) of the Dante network. For details, refer to the Dante Con-
troller User Guide available on the website.
Is it possible to receive the input signal from
RSio64-D by a separate mixer?
It can be configured using the Dante Controller. For details,
refer to the Dante Controller User Guide available on the
In the case of a Yamaha CL/QL series unit, settings can be
made from the I/O DEVICE screen.
I want to change the RSio64-D settings from the
I want to know the devices that can remotely
configure the RSio64-D
For details on RSio64-D remote control, refer to the following
What is the latency of the Dante network?
The latency of the Dante network can be specified using
Dante Controller. For details, refer to the manuals for each
An internal error message such as “firmware
mismatch” is displayed on the device connected
to the RSio64-D.
Make sure that each device has a compatible version. For
details, refer to the firmware compatibility information avail-
able on the website.