Operation Manual

PREPARATIONS Connecting to a network device wirelessly En 59
Connect the unit to a wireless router (access point) or a mobile device by establishing a
wireless connection.
Selecting the connection method
Select a connection method according to your network environment.
Connecting with a wireless router (access point)
Connect the unit to a wireless router (access point).
You can enjoy Internet radio, AirPlay, or music files stored on media servers (PC/NAS)
on the unit.
For details on connection, see “Connecting the unit to a wireless network” (p.60).
You cannot use the wireless network connection simultaneously with the wired (network cable) connection
(p.43) or Wireless Direct (p.65).
If the unit and the wireless router (access point) are too far apart, the unit may not connect to a wireless
router (access point). In such case, place them close to each other.
Connecting without a wireless router (access point)
Connect a mobile device to the unit directly.
You can use the application for smartphone / tablet “AV CONTROLLER” to control the
unit from mobiles devices or enjoy music files stored on mobiles devices on the unit.
For details on connection, see “Connecting a mobile device to the unit directly
(Wireless Direct)” (p.65).
You cannot use Wireless Direct simultaneously with the wired (network cable) connection (p.43) or the
wireless network connection (p.60).
When Wireless Direct is enabled, the following functions are not available.
Internet radio
–Network services
Playback of music stored on media servers (PC/NAS)
For details on “AV CONTROLLER”, visit the Yamaha website.
10 Connecting to a network device wirelessly
The unit
Wireless router
Mobile device
(such as iPhone)
The unit
Mobile device
(such as iPhone)
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