Operation Manual

En 137
Sets the distance between each speaker and listening position so that sounds from the
speakers reach the listening position at the same time. First, select the unit of distance
from “Meter” or “Feet”.
Front L, Front R, Center, Surround L, Surround R, Surround Back L, Surround Back R,
Front Presence L, Front Presence R, Rear Presence L, Rear Presence R, Subwoofer 1,
Subwoofer 2
Setting range
0.30 m to 3.00 m
to 24.00 m (1.0 ft to 10.0 ft to 80.0 ft), 0.05 m (0.2 ft) increments
Adjusts the volume of each speaker.
Front L, Front R, Center, Surround L, Surround R, Surround Back L, Surround Back R,
Front Presence L, Front Presence R, Rear Presence L, Rear Presence R, Subwoofer 1,
Subwoofer 2
Setting range
-10.0 dB to 0.0 dB
to +10.0 dB (0.5 dB increments)
Parametric EQ
Adjusts the tone with an equalizer.
“YPAO:Flat”, “YPAO:Front”, and “YPAO:Natural” are available only when the measurement results of “Auto
Setup” have already been saved (p.51). Press ENTER again to view the measurement results.
Manual equalizer adjustment
Set “Parametric EQ” to “Manual” and press ENTER.
Press ENTER again to enter the edit screen.
Use the cursor keys to select a speaker and press ENTER.
To restore the default settings for all speakers, select “PEQ Data Clear” and then “OK”.
To copy the parametric equalizer values acquired with “Auto Setup” (p.51) to the “Manual” fields for
fine adjustment, select “PEQ Data Copy” and then an equalizer type.
Use the cursor keys (e/r) to select a center frequency from the 7 preset bands
(4 for subwoofer) and the cursor keys (q/w) to adjust the gain.
Setting range
Gain: -20.0 dB to +6.0 dB
Select this option when you want to adjust the equalizer manually.
For details, see “Manual equalizer adjustment”.
YPAO:Flat Adjusts individual speakers to achieve the same characteristics.
Adjusts individual speakers to achieve the same characteristics as the
front speakers.
YPAO:Natural Adjusts all speakers to achieve a natural sound.
Through Does not use the equalizer.