User Manual

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S90 XS/S70 XS Editor VST Owner’s Manual
) Inc/Dec Action
Determines how the triangular buttons ([]/[]/[L]/[M]) located at the parameter boxes as illustrated
below work.
When this is selected, clicking the [] button increases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button
moves the cursor downward by one item.
When this is selected, clicking the [] button increases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button
moves the cursor upward by one item.
When this is selected, clicking the [] button decreases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button
moves the cursor downward by one item.
When this is selected, clicking the [] button decreases the value by 1 while clicking the [L] button
moves the cursor upward by one item.
! Startup Mode
This section lets you set the startup mode when launching the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor VST.
The editor will start in the Voice mode.
The editor will start in the Multi mode.
n When using Cubase 5.0.1 or later, if the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor VST is opened from the Instrument Track or the
Media Bay window, the editor will start in the Voice mode.
@ [OK] button
Click this to actually apply the settings to the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor VST and close the Setup window.
# [Cancel] button
Click this to close the Setup window without applying the settings to the S90 XS/S70 XS Editor VST.