User Manual

Reference Manual
Basic Structure
Functional Blocks
Tone Generator
A/D Input
Audio Record/Play
Internal Memory
SEQ Play
Audio Rec/Play
About MIDI
Display Messages
Cannot start the Arpeggio
Check whether the [ARP ON/OFF] button is turned on or off.
Is the MIDI Sync parameter set to auto or internal (using internal clock)?
[UTILITY] MIDI MIDI Sync (page 137)
Have you selected a User Arpeggio type (with no User Data)?
To use the User Arpeggios, the User Arpeggio data created in the MOTIF XS must be loaded to the S90 XS/S70 XS
(page 129).
Are the Arpeggio related parameters such as Note Limit and Velocity Limit set
[VOICE] [EDIT] Arpeggio Arp Edit Note Limit Lo/Hi (page 38)
[VOICE] [EDIT] Arpeggio Arp Edit Velocity Limit Lo/Hi (page 38)
[PERFORM] [EDIT] Part selection Arpeggio Arp Edit Note Limit Lo/Hi (page 82)
[PERFORM] [EDIT] Part selection Arpeggio Arp Edit Velocity Limit Lo/Hi (page 83)
[MULTI/SEQ PLAY] (selecting Multi mode) [EDIT] Part selection Arpeggio Arp Edit Note Limit Lo/Hi
(page 102)
[MULTI/SEQ PLAY] (selecting Multi mode) [EDIT] Part selection Arpeggio Arp Edit Velocity Limit Lo/Hi
(page 103)
When this situation occurs in the Performance/Multi mode, check the Arpeggio Switch
[PERFORM] [EDIT] Part selection Arpeggio Arp Edit Arp Sw (page 84)
[MULTI/SEQ PLAY] (selecting Multi mode) [EDIT] Part selection Arpeggio Arp Edit Arp Sw (page 104)
Cannot stop the Arpeggio
When Arpeggio playback does not stop even when you release the key, set the
Arpeggio Hold parameter to “off” via the [ARP HOLD] 1 – 4 buttons.
The Voice assigned to the Performance produces a different sound from
the one in the Voice mode
This is normal because the Voice sound is determined by the parameter settings in the
Performance mode. For the Performance Parts, you will need to apply basically the
same parameter settings as those used in the Voice mode. Regarding the Effect
settings except for the send level, you can copy the settings in the Voice mode to the
Performance part in the following display. By executing this Job, you can ensure that
the Voice will sound the same in the Performance mode as it does in the Voice mode.
[PERFORM] [JOB] Copy Voice (page 91)
[PERFORM] [EDIT] Part selection FX Send (page 89)
Data communication between the computer and the S90 XS/S70 XS does
not work properly
Check whether the Port setting on the computer is appropriate or not.
Check whether the MIDI In/Out settings of the instrument are appropriate or not.
[UTILITY] [MIDI] MIDI In/Out (page 137)