User Manual

A White Paper Of The Installation Series Loudspeakers
6. Summary
In the autumn of 2004, we invited the estimators
and had the meeting at "Audio Composite
Engineering" for evaluating the tone quality of the
final prototype.
Using CDs and microphones that were brought by
estimators, evaluation was carefully made.
The meeting finished amid a storm of applause.
In Japan, we also had the similar meeting for
evaluating the tone quality.
Both meeting ensured us that the "Installation"
series realized our design concept and offered top-
quality sound. Especially, realizing the family
sound concept was well received. Through the
speech test in English and Japanese using a
microphone, it was proven that the series could
amplify voices in both languages very clearly.
Yamaha "Installation" series speakers for facilities
solve the problems caused by using multiple
speakers together. We really hope you confirm its
tone quality, tone color matching when using more
than one speaker together, linear reaction of EQ, etc.
Yamaha is planning to add the 3-way model and 2-
way middle-power model to the series in the
future.Yamaha is also planning to introduce the
digital speaker processor at the end of 2005.
Regarding DSP processing for driving the
"Installation" series, you can use general speaker
processors because no special crossover filter and
EQ are used. However, we believe that the Yamaha
"DME24N/64N" are the best combination in terms
of tone quality. We are planning to show you the
DSP setting data and EASE data at the Yamaha
web site in the near future. Note that we used the
Yamaha PC-01N series power amplifier in the final
process of tone adjustment.
Currently, in parallel with hardware developing for
these items, we are developing a simulation
software application that can be used easily in the
designing stage of the sound system. All you have
to do is to enter data of the room shape, room size,
sound pressure level at the listening position.
Based on the data, this application will recommend
you the best array configuration. It also allows you
to simulate equalization for compensation of the
array characteristics. The result of equalizing
simulation can be stored to the Yamaha
DME24N/64N as a library file.
By using this simulation software application with
the Yamaha "Installation" series, you can
dramatically save time for setting adjustment.
Finally, we would like to extend our heartfelt
thanks to Audio Composite Engineering and Mr.
Michael Adams.
[1] G. Davis and R. Jones, "Sound Reinforcement
Handbook, Second Edition," Yamaha, 1989
[2] D. Davis and C. Davis, "Sound System
Engineering, Second Edition," Focal Press, 1997
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