User Manual

Screen areas
User's Guide
TF StageMix
EQ screen
Displayed when you tap the EQ button in the TOOLBAR area.
Controls the EQ for each channel. 4-band parametric EQ is available for CH 1–32, AUX 1–20, STEREO, and MATRIX. 2-band
parametric EQ is available for CH 33-40, STIN1, STIN2, FX1, FX2, and SUB.
1 EQ button
Turns the EQ on and off.
2 HPF or LPF button
Turns the HPF (high-pass filter) on and off.
Displayed for CH 1–40.
For the SUB channel, this button is the LPF (low-pass filter) button.
3 1-knob button
Switches between 1-knob EQ mode and manual mode.
When using 1-knob mode, the 1-knob level slider is displayed.
4 1-knob level slider
Adjusts the amount of 1-knob EQ applied.
5 EQ mode type selection button
When using 1-knob EQ mode, allows you to select the 1-knob EQ mode type. Select [Vocal] for vocal channels, otherwise
select [Intensity].
When set to Intensity, you can adjust the EQ to a setting between flat and increased intensity of the EQ settings you made
using manual mode.
For output channels, Loudness is available. This setting allows you to boost low and high tones.
The available modes depend on the channel whose settings you are editing.
In manual mode, you can select the filter type. You can select low-band and high-band filter.
For CH 1-40, the available low-band filters are low-shelving type and bell type. For other channels (i.e., for channels that do
not have an HPF), the available low-band filters are HPF, low-shelving type, and bell type.
The available high-band filters are LPF, high-shelving type, and bell type.
6 EQ output level meter
Displays the EQ output level.
7 EQ graph
Displays the parameter settings of the EQ and filter. As you adjust the settings of each band, the results are reflected in the
When using 1-knob EQ mode, you can adjust the 1-knob level slider by dragging it left and right.
When using manual mode, you can drag the handles displayed in the graph to adjust the corresponding settings. When using
the bell-type filter, you can adjust the Q by pinching the curve on the graph.
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