User Manual

Table Of Contents
Graphic EQ, Parametric EQ, Effects, and PREMIUM RACK
V5.8 Reference Manual
1 Attenuation select button
There are four types of HPF and LPF. This button switches the attenuation per octave
between -24 dB/oct, -18dB/oct, -12 dB/oct, and -6dB/oct.
2 8PEQ button
Press this button to switch to the screen for operating the 8-band PEQ.
3 HPF/LPF frequency knob
This knob is used to adjust the HPF/LPF frequency.
4 ON button
There is an ON button for the HPF, LPF, and each of the three notch filters.
5 Notch Filter Q knob
Adjusts the Q of the notch filter.
6 Notch Filter frequency knob
Adjusts the frequency of the notch filter.
Automixer is included as a standard feature on the CL series. Automixer searches for enabled
mics and automatically optimizes gain distribution, for uses such as speeches without scripts.
This allows uniform system gain to be maintained among multiple mics, freeing the engineer
from making constant fader adjustments.
Automixer operating principle
With the Dugan speech system used in Automixer, you can automatically adjust the automix
gain for up to 16 mics used for speeches.
The Dugan speech system functions differently from a limiter or auto level controller. When
multiple people are speaking, the engineer can adjust the each level using the faders as
normal. Even if nobody is speaking, the system searches for mic audio and automatically
distributes gain. Therefore, faders can be left in their raised positions.
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When 1 person speaks on multiple mics When 2 people speak on multiple mics
When 1 person is speaking, the gain on the mic
being used is immediately increased and the gain
on all other mics is reduced. The same operation
occurs even if another person is speaking.
If 2 people are speaking at the same time, gain is
automatically distributed so that the total gain is
consistent across both mics, and the gain on the
remaining mic is reduced.
Gain (dB) in
Mic input audio
Gain (dB) in
Mic input audio