User Manual

Table Of Contents
Edit area
Allows you to set the channel name, icon and color for displayed channels. The parameters displayed vary with the
type of channel.
Content that can be edited here is the same as the main window of DM3 Editor. In addition, any content edited while
connected to the DM3 series console is synchronized with the console in both directions.
Right click (Windows) or [Ctrl] + click (Mac) inside the Edit area to open the menu.
Parameters that can be edited in the Edit area:
Stereo Link :
Setting and canceling Stereo Link is available from the menu. Right click (Windows) or [Ctrl] + click (Mac) with
channel(s) selected to open the menu.
The chain icon is displayed between linked channels.
Channel Icon :
Click to open a menu for selecting the channel icon.
Channel Name :
Click to enable entering text.
Channnel Color :
Click the cell of the desired color to set the channel color.
DM3 Editor > Menu bar