User Manual

Table Of Contents
The following message types might appear on the RIVAGE PM series.
Message Meaning
[xx] connected Device xx is connected.
[xx] disconnected! Device xx is disconnected.
[‘LOCATION’ ] : Multiple Word Clock Masters found! Please
check the connection status of each DSP Engine, the Engine
ID via the LCD Display of each DSP Engine and the Word
Clock Setup view.
[ Location ]: Multiple word clock masters were found. Check
each DSP engine’s connection status, Unit ID, LCD screen,
and word clock setting.
[ ‘LOCATION’ ] : Word Clock Master not found! Please assign a
Word Clock Master
[ Location ]: No word clock master was found. Assign a word
clock master.
BAY LINK released.
A Bay Link was released. This message appears if a bay link is
released due to changes in the SEL LINK settings.
Bay x does not exist.
You attempted to operate a non-existing bay (only for CS-
Cannot add event! (event list full)
The maximum number of events (2000) allowed on the list
has been reached. You cannot add more events.
Cannot bookmark this popup This popup window cannot be bookmarked.
Cannot close this page This page cannot be closed.
Cannot edit overlay!
You cannot change the Overlay offset to a value outside the
specified range.
Cannot edit scene! (extracting scene data)
One of these messages will be displayed if you attempt to
perform an invalid operation during extraction of scene data,
or if you try to use the Global Paste function only on the
standalone control surface or only in PM Editor.
Cannot load file (extracting scene data)
Cannot recall! (extracting scene data)
Cannot save file (extracting scene data)
Cannot shutdown (extracting scene data)
Cannot store! (extracting scene data)
Cannot undo! (extracting scene data)
Cannot update! (extracting scene data)
Cannot mount!
Cannot load partial data now! (data in console corrupt; only
ALL file can be loaded)
Partial data cannot be loaded. Data inconsistency has
occurred inside the console. Load entire data all at once.
Cannot mount the plug-in. No DSP resources available.
Additional plug-ins cannot be mounted due to insufficient
DSP resources.
Cannot mount! (plug-in too large for selected location) Plug-in failed to mount due to insufficient size of the slot.
Cannot open the bookmarked page The bookmarked page failed to open.
Cannot paste!
The character string in the copy buffer is too long to be
Cannot perform this action! (scene data is now being
One of these messages will be displayed if you attempt to
perform an invalid operation during extraction of scene data
or during the Global Paste operation.
Cannot perform this action! (global paste in progress)
Messages > Messages