User Manual

SC2 Owner’s Manual
Adjusts the timbre brilliance of the entire keyboard sound from mellow to bright.
Default setting: Normal
Binaural On/Off
When this function is on, the sound from this instrument changes to the sound of Binaural Sampling or the
sound enhanced with the Stereophonic Optimizer (page 18), allowing you to enjoy more realistic sound even
when listening with headphones.
Default setting: On
VRM On/Off
Turns the VRM effect (see below) on/off. For information on which Voices have the VRM effect applied, refer
to “Selecting Voices” on page 17.
Default setting: On
Since the sound of Binaural Sampling and the sound enhanced with the Stereophonic Optimizer are optimized for
listening with headphones, we recommend that you turn these functions off when listening to keyboard performance
on this instrument or recorded Audio Song with an external audio device such as a powered speaker. (If you want to
play the Audio Song recorded on this instrument through speakers, make sure to turn these functions off before using
Audio Recording.)
VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling) technology
On an actual acoustic piano, if you press the damper pedal and play a key, not only does the string of the pressed key
vibrate, it also causes other strings and the soundboard to vibrate, with each influencing the rest, creating a rich and
brilliant resonance that sustains and spreads. The VRM (Virtual Resonance Modeling) technology featured in this unit
reproduces the complicated interaction of both string and soundboard resonance faithfully using a virtual musical
instrument (physical modeling), and makes the sound more like a real acoustic piano. Since instantaneous resonance is
made at the moment according to the state of the keyboard or pedal, you can vary the sound expressively by changing
the timing of your pressing the keys, and the timing and depth of your pressing the pedal.
Highest key
D#5: Normal/BrightC#5: Mellow/Normal
C5: Mellow
E5: Bright
D5: Normal
C#0: On
Lowest key (A-1) C0: Off
D#0: On
Lowest key (A-1) D0: Off