
Part 1 Introduction to Sampling
The birth and evolution of sampling ………………1
Basic sampling concepts …………………………2
Basic sampling techniques …………………………2
Looping …………………………………………2
Multi-sampling ……………………………….…3
Velocity switching, velocity cross-fade …………3
Sampler parameters ………………………………3
Start point (start address)/
end point (end address) …………………………3
Loop start point (loop start address)/
loop end point (loop end address) ………………4
Sample playback mode …………………………4
Original key ……………………………………5
Key range ………………………………………5
Break beats…………………………………………5
1) Using sampled sound material “as is” …………5
2) Re-triggering during a measure………………6
3) Create multiple copies of a sample
with different start points ……………………6
Producing “good sound”……………………………7
1) Input section …………………………………7
2) Sound processing section ……………………8
3) Output section ………………………………8
Extra) Power supply …......………………………8
Part 2 Yamaha Musical Instruments
Enriching people’s lives throughout the world ……9
History of Yamaha musical instruments ……………9
Analog synthesizers ……………………………9
FM synthesizers ………………………………10
VL synthesizers ………………………………11
Hybrid synthesizers ……………………………11
Synthesizer expansion system:
Modular Synthesis Plug-In System……………11
Part 3 Yamaha Samplers
A4000/5000 samplers ……………………………12
Interface …………………………………………13
Internal structure …………………………………13
Samples …………………………………………13
Wave data ……………………………………13
Sample parameter data ………………………13
F1: TRIM/LOOP ………………………………13
F2: MAP/OUT …………………………………14
F3: FILTER ……………………………………15
F4: EG …………………………………………15
F5: LFO ………………………………………15
F6: MIDI/CTRL ………………………………15
Sample banks ……………………………………16
Programs …………………………………………16
F1: PROGRAM …………………………………16
F2: SAMPLE ……………………………………17
Assigning samples and sample banks …………17
Selecting programs ……………………………17
Selecting samples ……………………………..17
Editing sample banks …………………………17
F3: EASY EDIT …………………………………18
F4: EFFECT ……………………………………18
F5: SETUP ……………………………………20
F6: CONTROL …………………………………20
MIDI control settings …………………………20
Controller Reset & Note On Type settings ……20
Controller Reset ………………………………20
Note On Type …………………………………20
Program LFO …………………………………21
Convenient functions in EDIT/PLAY mode ………21
Quick entry ……………………………………21
MIDI input ……………………………………21
LIST display ……………………………………22
Tree view display ………………………………22
MIDI Sample ………………………………22
Commands ……………………………………22
RECORD mode ……………………………………23
Input source……………………………………23
Sampling frequency……………………………23
Record type ……………………………………23
Sample name …………………………………23
Monitor ………………………………………23
Click (metronome) ……………………………23
Recording triggers ……………………………23
Auto normalize…………………………………24
Recording hints ………………………………24
Recording while mapping ……………………24
Waveform processing ……………………………24
Saving and loading data …………………………26
Basic save/load operation and disk structure …26
Format …………………………………………26
Save …………………………………………26
Load …………………………………………27
Import …………………………………………27
Import-compatible data …………………………28
Commands ……………………………………28
Other unique features ……………………………29
AUDITION key …………………………………29
ASSIGNABLE key ……………………………29
Paying attention to sound quality …………………30
Computer compatibility …………………………30
A4000/5000 Editor
(sound parameter editing software) …………30
TWE Wave Editor ……………………………31
Sampling Unit SU700 …………………………….32
Loop Factory Sampling Unit SU200 ………………36
Part 4 Reference
Interview with the R&D staff ……………………39
SU200 operation guide …………………………40
Specifications ……………………………………48
Index …………………………………………………50
CD-ROM Contents ……………………………… … 52