
Loop Remix
Loop Remix automatically breaks the sample into multiple pieces and rearranges them in a
different order. Knob 1 controls the phrase and Knob 2 controls the amount of reverse
1. Play back Pads 1 and 2 only. Press the other pads to stop them from sounding. Now the Pad 2
sample can be easily heard.
2. Press the [LOOP REMIX] button. The [LOOP REMIX] button lights up and the sample plays back
with the Loop Remix effect. Pressing the [LOOP REMIX] button on the first beat of the measure will
make it easier to hear the effect.
3. Turn Knobs 1 and 2 fully to the left (7 o’clock). The Pad 1 sample will play back in its original state.
4. Set Knob 1 to just a little before the 9 o’clock position. This changes the rhythm pattern of the
sample. Turning the knob does not immediately change the pattern; the pattern will change after
one measure of the pattern has played back.
5. Turn Knob 1 further to the right. Ten different patterns (including the original pattern) are available
by changing the position of the knob. Try out the different patterns. When Knob 1 is turned fully to
the right, the rhythm plays back in 16th notes.
6. With Knob 1 turned fully to the left (original pattern), turn Knob 2 gradually to the right. When Knob
2 is turned fully to the left, there is no reverse playback, but turning Knob 2 to the right changes the
placement of the pieces and the amount of reverse playback. There are 10 settings available,
including no reverse. When Knob 2 is turned fully to the right, the sample is played back entirely in
reverse. Try out Knob 2 while changing the patterns with Knob 1.
7. Once you get the hang of Loop Remix, try turning the knobs while playing along with Pads 3 and 4.
Suggestion: Keep Knob 2 fully to the left (no reverse) while using only Knob 1 to change the
pattern. Use Knob 2 periodically as an accent.
8. To turn off Loop Remix, press the [LOOP REMIX] button again. The [LOOP REMIX] button turns
dark and the original sample plays back.
Slice cuts the sample into various patterns. Knob 1 selects the slice pattern and Knob 2
adjusts the length of the playback interval.
1. Play back only Pad 1. Press the other pads to stop them from sounding.
2. Press the [SLICE] button. The [SLICE] button lights up and the sample plays back with the Slice
effect. Pressing the [SLICE] button on the first beat of the measure will make it easier to hear the
3. Turn Knob 1 fully to the left and Knob 2 fully to the right. The Pad 1 sample plays back without any
4. Turning Knob 2 gradually to the left cuts the sample into shorter pieces. When Knob 1 is fully
turned to the left, the sample is sliced in quarter-note timing. Turning Knob 2 to the right makes the
sample pieces play back longer, and turning it to the left makes the sample pieces play back
5. Set Knob 2 to 8 o’clock and Knob 1 to a little above 9 o’clock. This slices the sample in eighth
notes. Knob 1 lets you select from 10 different slice patterns by changing the position of the Knob.
Turning the knob does not immediately change the slice pattern; it will change after one measure of
the pattern has played back.
6. Once you get the hang of Slice, try turning the knobs while playing along with Pads 3 and 4.
Try changing the slice pattern at the beginning of each measure and experiment with different
combinations of Knobs 1 and 2.
7. To turn off Slice, press the [SLICE] button again. The [SLICE] button turns dark and the original
sample plays back.
This guide will show you step by step how to operate the SU200 Sampling Unit and explore
its amazing features. All the samples used in the examples have been loaded into the SU200
at the factory. As there is no backup of these samples, we recommend that you save them on
a SmartMedia™ card (sold separately) in case you should accidentally erase them.
Step 1: Learning the Basics
At the time of shipment, the SU200 is loaded with three banks of samples, each containing a
different style type: Bank A = Hip Hop, Bank B = Techno, and Bank C = Big Beat. To switch
between banks, press the [BANK A], [BANK B] and [BANK C] buttons. The selected bank
button will light up.
Each bank has eight pads. The pads are initially set to “Gate” mode, which plays back the
sample as you hold down the pad. Pad 8 in Bank A and Pad 8 in Bank B, however, are set to
“Trigger” mode, which plays back the entire sample each time you touch the pad. When you
press a pad, the pad lights up, and the play mode (Gate/Trigger), the sample playback mode
(One-Shot/Loop and Normal/Reverse), the sample BPM, the number of measures and the
bank number are displayed on the LCD.
Loop Track Play
Loop Track Play allows multiple sample loops to play back at the same BPM—even if their
original tempos are all different. Press the [LOOP TR PLAY] button to start Loop Track Play.
The button will light up and Loop Track Play will begin. The BPM for Loop Track Play can be
changed during playback with the [-1/NO] [+1/YES] buttons and can be adjusted separately
for each bank. To stop Loop Track Play, press the [LOOP TR PLAY] button again. The [LOOP
TR PLAY] button will turn dark and Loop Track Play will stop. The SU200 remembers the
most recent pad settings for each bank; when you resume Loop Track Play, it will play back
just as you had left it.
The SU200 has 6 built-in effects. To apply an effect, first choose the pad to which you wish
to apply the effect and then press an effect button. The selected effect button will light up
once you press it. Turn the two EFFECT CONTROL knobs to adjust the effect’s parameters.
To turn the effect off, press the effect button again and it will turn dark.
(EFFECT CONTROL knobs 1 and 2 will be called Knob 1 and Knob 2 hereafter.)
Step 2: Applying Effects
Let’s check out the SU200’s various effects by turning the knobs. For this example, we will
use the sample in Pad 1 of Bank A (a hip-hop drum pattern mixed with the noise of a record
needle). Let’s play it back in Loop Track Play mode and try out each of the SU200’s effects.
1. Select [Bank A].
2. Start Loop Track Play.
3. Select the pad you want to apply the effect to. Normally, you can select a pad simply by pressing
the pad button; but if the sample in Pad 1 is playing back, pressing the pad again will mute the
sound. In such a case, hold down the [HOLD] button located above Pad 1 while pressing Pad 1 —
this will select the pad without stopping playback. The letter [H] will be displayed in the lower left
section of the LCD to show that the Hold function is turned on. [A-1] will be displayed in the lower
right, indicating the selected pad and bank number. The Hold function lets you apply settings to
only a single pad. To release hold, press the [HOLD] button again. The [H] will disappear from the
4. While the sample in Pad 1 is playing back in Loop Track Play mode, try out the different effects
as described in the following steps. When you are finished, stop Loop Track Play.
Part 4 Reference
The Complete SU200 Operation Guide
The Complete SU200 Operation Guide