
Part 4 Reference
The Complete SU200 Operation Guide
Tech Modulation
Tech Modulation adds a distinctive modulation and metallic tonality to the sample. Knob 1
controls the amount of modulation and Knob 2 controls the modulation speed.
1. Play back only Pad 1. Press the other pads to stop them from sounding.
2. Press the [TECH MOD] button. The [TECH MOD] button lights up.
3. Turn Knobs 1 and 2 fully to the left. This applies a quavering effect to the original sample.
4. Turning Knob 2 gradually to the right applies a metallic sound to the sample.
5. Set Knob 2 to 1 o’clock and turn Knob 1 to the right. This increases the quaver effect.
6. Once you get the hang of Tech Modulation, try turning the knobs while playing along with
Pads 3 and 4.
Suggestion: Keep Knob 1 set to one position and turn Knob 2 to the rhythm of the beat.
7. To turn off Tech Modulation, press the [TECH MODULATION] button again. The [TECH
MODULATION] button turns dark and the original sample plays back. One way to effectively use
Tech Modulation would be, for example, to set it to a heavily effected setting, and repeatedly turn
the effect on at the first beat and off at the second beat of each measure.
Distortion/Lo-fi distorts the sample and gives it a lo-fi feel. Knob 1 controls the brightness of
the sound and Knob 2 controls the degree of distortion.
1. Play back only Pad 1. Press the other pads to stop them from sounding.
2. Press the [DIST/LO-FI] button. The [DIST/LO-FI] button lights up.
3. Turn Knob 1 fully to the right and Knob 2 fully to the left. Although the original sample already has a
lo-fi quality, turning Knob 1 to the left will muffle the sound even more.
4. If you turn Knob 1 fully to the right and turn Knob 2 gradually to the right, the sound will become
more distorted.
5. Once you get the hang of Distortion/Lo-fi, try turning the knobs while playing along with Pads 3
and 4.
6. To turn off Distortion/Lo-fi, press the [DIST/LO-FI] button again. The [DIST/LO-FI] button turns dark
and the original sample plays back.
Hint: When using [DIST/LO-FI] in a performance, set the knobs beforehand and simply turn the effect on/
off, rather than turning the knobs to apply the effect.
This effect adds a single delay that’s synchronized with the BPM. Knob 1 controls the
volume of the delayed sound and Knob 2 controls the time between the original and the
delayed sound.
1. Play back only Pad 1. Press the other pads to stop them from sounding.
2. Press the [DELAY] button. The [DELAY] button lights up.
3. Turn Knob 1 fully to the right for maximum delay volume and Knob 2 fully to the left. This setting
applies an extremely short delay to the sample, similar to flanging.
4. Set Knob 2 to a little above 9 o’clock position. This applies a delay with a timing that is a 16th-note
division of the BPM setting in Loop Track Play. Knob 2 lets you select from 7 different delay times.
Turning it fully to the right produces a half-note delay time.
5. Turning Knob 1 to the left gradually lowers the volume of the delayed sound.
6. Once you get the hang of Delay, try turning the knobs while playing along with Pads 3 and 4.
7. To turn off Delay, press the [DELAY] button again. The [DELAY] button turns dark and the original
sample plays back.
[DELAY] is most effective if you set the knobs beforehand and turn the effect on/off where you want to
apply it, rather than applying it by turning the Knobs.
This effect removes a specific frequency range from the sample to produce a change in
sound quality. Knob 1 applies a distinctive resonance to the sound and Knob 2 controls the
cutoff frequency.
1. Play back only Pad 1. Press the other pads to stop them from sounding.
2. Press the [FILTER] button. The [FILTER] button lights up.
3. Turn Knob 1 fully to the left and Knob 2 fully to the right. The sample plays back without
any effects.
4. Turning Knob 2 to the left gradually muffles the sound. When turned fully to the left, almost no
sound will be heard.
5. Set Knob 2 to 2 o’clock and turn Knob 1 to the right. The muffled sound gradually changes into a
resonant sound.
6. Try using the Filter with various combinations of Knob 1 and 2 settings. Also try turning the knobs
while playing along with Pads 3 and 4.
Note: Turning Knob 1 to a high value while Knob 2 is set between 1 o’clock and 5 o’clock may
cause the sound to clip and generate noise.
7. To turn off the Filter, press the [FILTER] button again. The [FILTER] button turns dark and the
original sample plays back.
Step 3: Scratch
Now let’s try scratching a sound using the ribbon controller. Sliding your finger up and down
the ribbon controller will produce a sound similar to scratching a record on a turntable.
1. Stop Loop Track Play and press the [HOLD] button to release the hold function. Then press
[BANK A] and [PAD 6].
2. Press the [SCRATCH] button. The [SCRTACH] button lights up. This assigns the Pad 6 sample to
the ribbon controller.
3. Slide your finger across the ribbon controller from bottom to top. The sample in Pad 6 plays back
at a low pitch when rubbed slowly and at a high pitch when rubbed quickly. Practice scratching with
the ribbon controller.
4. Start Loop Track Play. Play back Pads 1, 3 and 4. Try scratching the ribbon controller to the rhythm
of the samples.
5. To simulate the effect of scratching on a turntable more accurately, place one hand on the ribbon
controller and your other hand on Pad 6. Press Pad 6 as you slide your finger across the ribbon
6. To turn off the Scratch effect, press the [SCRATCH] button again. The [SCRATCH] button will
turn dark.
7. If you want to assign a different sample to the ribbon controller while in Loop Track Play, press the
pad of the sample you want to select while holding down the [HOLD] button. Then press the
[SCRATCH] button. This allows you to assign a pad sample to the ribbon controller without
affecting the on/off status of the pad. Switching a pad while the [SCRATCH] button is on will not
change the sample assigned to the ribbon controller; you must first turn off the [SCRATCH] button.
The sample will change once you turn on the [SCRATCH] button again.
8. Stopping Loop Track Play automatically turns [SCRATCH] off.