Operator`s manual

Boarding and starting in deep
1. Swim to the rear of the watercraft. Attach
the engine shut-off cord to your wrist.
Attach the clip to the engine shut-off
2. Grasp the handlebars with both hands.
Pull your body up onto the riding tray and
balance there, using your elbows on the
gunwales for leverage.
3. Start the engine and begin to accelerate.
4. Continue to pull your body up onto the
watercraft as the watercraft speed
5. Bring your knees up onto the riding tray
and change to a kneeling position as
soon as you can do so.
Avoid forceful jet thrust and limited visi-
bility while reboarding. Get to standing
or kneeling position quickly, but do not
expose yourself to forceful jet thrust.
E_F1N-10.book Page 22 Thursday, June 2, 2005 9:56 AM