Owner`s manual

PLUGSTATION. This means that you can have 16 discrete channels coming in to the DS2416 mixer (8 from
SW1000XG MIDI and Audio on SUB 1-8 of your DS2416 mixer software, and 8 from the PLUGSTATION
coming in to your IOA or B inputs from the AX16AT)
Pretty amazing isn’t it?
You can then still send whatever you wish out of whichever buss of the DS2416 to record your mix of cards,
and also send that out via the AX16AT ADAT outs to further mixing or processing on your mixing desk.
Hopefully you now understand how powerful the whole DSP Factory concept is, and with PLUGSTATION
that power is increased even more.
Here we see an incredible system setup. What we have here is as follows
1: The SW1000XG is connected to the PLUGSTATION via the MIDI OUT and also via the D-SUB
connector. The D-SUB actually in this instance isn’t needed apart from the wordclock source (which for this
entire system is the SW1000XG), as MIDI control of the 4 PLG cards is coming from the MIDI In of