Owner`s manual

Or connection via analogue outputs to the analogue inputs on your mixer
These connection diagrams are equally as valid for audio connectivity when using PLUGSTATION in
conjunction with the SW1000XG. (Please refer to the “Use with the SW1000XG” section of this manual for
more information.
Regarding the use of effects. Yamaha hosting devices have different effects for different units (for example
the Motif synthesiser effects are different to those found on the MU100R). KENTON feel that it is easier to
add effects from your mixer or from external effects processors. You can either add effects using the AUX
sends of your mixer, which may be connected to rack mount effects processors, or you can also add effects
in-line to the outputs of PLUGSTATION if you so wish. A suitable digital mixer such as the Yamaha 0 series
mixers, can add effects, eq, and dynamics processing to each of the outputs (up to 2 effects) using either
the analogue outputs connected to the analogue inputs on the 0 series mixer, or via the ADAT connector,
sending 8 discrete channels (suitable ADAT card is required on the 0 series).
The ADAT output on the PLUGSTATION will support 24bit audio data at 44.1khz only. This is a restriction of
the wordclock requirements of the PLG series cards (PLG100 & 150). The ADAT output sends data in
parallel to the analogue outputs, and not independent of them. (This can be used to good effect to apply
different EQ or effects treatments to the same device across 4 channels, for example, connecting the ADAT
and analogue outputs to your mixer, will result in a total of 16 channels coming from the PLUGSTATION (2
banks of the same 8 channels). If you have the PLG150AN for example coming out of outputs 1-2, on
analogue, they will also be coming out of outputs 1-2 of the ADAT port. If you have channels 1-8 on your
mixer connected as analogue, and channels 9-16 connected as ADAT, then the signal will appear
simultaneously on channels 1-2, and 9-10. This would allow you to add for example one set of effects to the