
Answer: Just shut down your PC and unplug the card. Windows will then remove it from its
list of active devices. Or use the Windows Add/Remove Hardware option. Other options are
covered in the Windows user manual.
71 Question: How do I update my drivers from the UK website?
Answer: Just download the update file and follow the simple instructions that will be both on
the site and attached as readme files. Remember that the driver for the SW1000XG and the
DS2416 cards appears very similar, so please only select the card that you are using. Do not
attempt to update both at the same time if you are using both. This also applies to users of
DS2416 cards also.;As there are hardly any files required by the driver, it is a simple matter of
either using the ‘Replace driver’ option from within Windows, or just copying the files over to the
Windows system directory from DOS (not a DOS box).
72 Question: Is the editor for the PLG100VH card only available as a stand alone application or
can I get it as a plug in also?
Answer: The plug in versions for XGworks V2.0 are available, and XGEDIT 2.6 also supports
PLG100VH editing.
73 Question: Are their drivers for the SW1000XG for 0S/2?
Answer: No, and to be honest, Yamaha have no plans to develop them; ditto for Linux, Unix
etc. Third parties can contact Yamaha for more info relating to driver writing. However, as none
of the major audio apps such as VST/Cakewalk etc support 0S/2 we feel that information may
not be allocated to developers on this platform. Please contact Yamaha for more info on this.
74 Question: Will the SW1000XG function under Windows 3.1?
Answer: No, and if you are still using Windows 3.1 in 1998, you have my deepest sympathies
(no offence intended!) as, let’s be honest, the major audio apps don’t even run under 3.1
(VST/Logic Audio/Cakewalk Pro Audio 6.01/7.0). Not to mention the other major problems that
running PCI Plug And Play cards under 3.1 would present.
75 Question: Can the support built into Cubase VST/XT 3.6 (and up) for the DS2416 integrate
with the SW1000XG mixer maps?
Answer: Yes, the two can be used at the same time.
76 Question: When using Emagic Logic Audio, even with the multi-client MIDI drivers, I still find
that I cannot run XGEDIT at the same time as Logic Audio. Why is this?
Answer: Logic Audio (and Logic) has a unique way of handling and ‘grabbing’ the available
MIDI ports in the system. There is a way around this, however, by editing your win.ini file.
Details are on the http://www.yamaha.co.uk/XG web site.If you would like to make Logic not
use any of your device drivers at all, you can edit the win.ini file to achieve this.Here is what you
have to do:; 1.Open Logic and exit it again. Now the win.ini file entries for all existing MIDI
drivers will be created. ; 2.Open the win.ini file and go to the [logic] sub heading.; This is just
an example so use your imagination as to how your setup will look!; [logic]; ...;
MIDIIn_Unitor_In_01=1; MIDIIn_Unitor_In_02=1; MIDIIn_Unitor_In_03=1;
MIDIIn_Unitor_In_04=1; MIDIIn_Unitor_In_05=1; MIDIIn_Unitor_In_06=1;
MIDIIn_Unitor_In_07=1; MIDIIn_Unitor_In_08=1; MIDIIn_AWE64G_MIDI_In__330=1;
MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_0__all=1; MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_01=1; MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_02=1;
MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_03=1; MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_04=1; MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_05=1;
MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_06=1; MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_07=1; MIDIOut_Unitor_Out_08=1;
MIDIOut_AWE64G_MIDI_Synth__620=1; MIDIOut_AWE64G_MIDI_Out__330=1;
MIDIOut_Creative_Music_Synth__220=1; MIDIOut_Creative_Instrument_Mapper=1;
MIDIOut_WaveSynth_WG_MIDI=1; 3.Logic will use all drivers with a value 1; so just change
the value to 0 to stop Logic from accessing this driver.