
77 Question: I am running the SW1000Xg and the DS2416 in the same machine. The DSP
Factory (unlike the SW1000XG) does not appear in the multimedia properties box as a MIDI
device, and yet I have seen sites set up by Yamaha that claim it is MIDI compatible via
software. How is this so?
Answer: The low level calls made to the DS2416 through software such as Cakewalk 7.0
allows it, via its own internal API system, to enable MIDI control of some functions. This feature
on the DS2416 is very much an application specific function. Some apps will support it over
MIDI via translation, some will not. Cakewalk, for example, uses Direct Show to implement the
support for DS2416. Please contact your local Yamaha subsidiary for a full and up to date list of
the software that supports the DS2416.
78 Question: Can I send sysex to the DS2416 (as you can for the SW1000XG) card for things
like effects?
Answer: No. It is low level API controlled only, and application specific. One of the all round
apps that covers the DS2416 fully is Cconsole by CMEXX. This is in no way aimed at promoting
just this application, as all of the other apps that support the DS2416 are equally as good.
CMEXX is unique in that their application runs background in conjunction with any other app
such as Cubase Audio or Cool Edit Pro. For a full list of application support please consult the
FAQ for the DS2416.
79 Question: So I cannot make a Studioware Panel or mixer map to control the DS2416 as well
as the SW1000XG?
Answer: No. Only the SW1000XG responds to this type of data, not the DS2416.
80 Question: How do I set up the 32 part/48 channel multi-timbrality of the SW1000XG in my
Answer: Easy, just select channels 1-16 as SW1000XG (1) and channels 17-32 as
SW1000XG (2) and channels 33-48 as SW1000XG MIDI out.
81 Question: What editing software is available for the SW1000XG?
Answer: XGEDIT95 version 2.6; XGworks version 2.0; XGGOLD (level 1 XG only); Scedit
(TG300B mode editor); Vbsysex decoder (convert GS to XG plus more); Cakewalk Studio
ware panels; Cubase Mixer Maps; Logic Environment pages; VST 4.0 mixer scripting (VST4.0
for PC is still in beta as of June 98); (Cakewalk Studio ware panels, Cubase Mixer Maps, Logic
Environment pages are in the product CD-ROM)Any software that supports XG will work fine
with the SW1000XG.Information on all of the above applications can be found on the Yamaha
UK website in the XG section.
82 Question: Can all of the individual drum sounds be edited with the same level of detail that
ordinary sounds can?
Answer: Yes. XGEDIT covers this in full detail as does XGworks.
83 Question: Will the voice data for the MU100r on the Enjoy This Trip CD-ROM work with the
Answer: Yes, as will any voice data for the MU100r (except performance mode data, and we
are working on a solution for this). If the voice data is set for the PLG100VL as well, then you
may need to fit one of these to get the best out of the voice data set.
84 Question: As the SW1000XG has over 1000 voices, how do I access voices above 128 in my
Answer: You need to use bank select messages. The XG soundset is split across a number
of banks, with bank 0 being the GM set, and banks up to 128 covering all of the other
voices.Bank selection methods depend on your sequencer. Some have the full list of XG voices
covered in their instrument maps of DEV files, others do not. A full info sheet on how to
implement bank selects and program selects is in the XG specs which are available from the