
4: When you are happy with both the audio recording (which you may have done with the effects
processing on or off) and your midi parts, set up Cakewalk (just as an example) to record on a
spare track, and set this track to be recording from SW1000 wave 2 input.
5: Now, all parts that you can actually hear will be bounced down to a stereo pair on this track.
Remember, when you have done this, to reset the SW1000XG to its default settings as the eq's
etc that you may have recorded with are still in place, and will reprocess the output when you go to
playback your bounced stereo pair. This bounced track now contains all of the audio for your midi
parts and your previously recorded audio parts.
Now isn't that the coolest thing ever ?
It means that you can not only record and then reprocess with different effects and eq settings, but
you can then make a bounce in the digital domain of everything (or parts) of what you have done,
and then process it again using the same methods.
You can also modulate the effects in real-time whilst re-recording.
104 Question: Can I then record any active movie style effects as well as the SW1000XG effects
and bounce the whole lot down to a stereo pair?
Answer: Indeed you can.
105 Question: So what you are saying is that I can bounce internally up to 12 wave tracks
(independently controlled the system will playback and bounce down far more tracks depending
on your hard drive speed), and 32 MIDI tracks, with up to 64 notes of polyphony down to a
stereo pair in real-time, and also (this doesn’t even bear contemplating, it’s so cool), record the
output of my VL or DX7 daughterboards straight down to the stereo pair with it, thus enabling
me to make a compact disc master of my work without having to stream the track out to DAT or
anything like that?
Answer: Yes.
106 Question: This means I can add Active movie effects to the MIDI parts when they are
bounced down, still in the digital domain?
Answer: Indeed it does. In other words, you can add effects such as the many types of Active
Movie style effects to MIDI parts, just by creating a bounce down of the MIDI to an audio stereo
pair, and then applying the effect. (Only if you want to of course, as the on board effects are
rather good as well and, unlike active movie effects don’t cost you a penny and don’ t touch
your CPU power at all!).
107 Question: Does this also mean that I can record a sync perfect stereo bounce of my 64 voice
MIDI track (32 parts) as a stereo pair, then use this in my sequencer/audio recorder as the MIDI
part, and layer more MIDI tracks on top?
Answer: Yes.
108 Question: In other words, with no quality loss I can have almost unlimited polyphony by
bouncing the MIDI parts down to audio?
Answer: Yes. To be fair, other cards can do this - if you can be bothered to record the audio
out to a tape, and then play it back in. Let’s just say, it’s not quite as neat a solution!
109 Question: Can the SW1000 & DS2416 lock together in applications such as VST or
Cakewalk to provide me with 28 hardware controlled audio channels?
Answer: Yes. The SW1000XG provides the master sync between the two cards as the CN
connector for the SW1000Xg is a serial output, in this case.